Dry eyes is a condition where the natural tear of the eyes are unable to sufficiently lubricate and moisten the surface of the eyes. Dry eyes can affect both vision and comfort; thus, compromising quality of life. Dry Eyes syndrome affects more than 100 million people throughout the world. Now, a revolutionary Dry Eyes therapy, LipiFlow, is available at California Eye Surgeons to treat one of the most common underlying causes of Dry Eyes!
Dry Eyes
The tear film which coats the front surface of the eye is made up of three layers. The mucin layer adheres tears to the eye's surface, the aqueous (water) layer nourishes and protects the eye, and the lipid (oil) layer lubricates and prevents the tears from evaporating. Each of these layers plays an essential role in maintaining tear film integrity. If any of these layers are affected, the sensation of dryness can result.
Symptoms of Dry Eyes may vary by Individual. Patients may notice one or all of the following: redness, irritation, stinging/burning sensation, sandy/gritty feeling, blurred vision and watery eyes. Dry Eyes can impact daily events from reading the working on the computer to being able to wear contact lenses comfortably and enjoying outdoor activities, especially on a windy day.
The two primary types of Dry Eyes are Evaporative Dry Eye and Aqueous Dry Eye. Aqueous Dry eye is associated with insufficient tear production or poor tear quality. Evaporative Dry Eye is associated wtih degeneration or deficiencies of the meibomian glands, which are responsible for producing the oil layer of the tear film. Evaporative Dry Eye affects approximately 85% of patients with Dry Eyes.
LipiFlow is an innovative treatment that addresses the underlying cause of Evaporative Dry Eye. This thermal pulsation therapy applies controlled warmth and pressure directly to the inner eyelid and meibomian glands. This process helps to release oils that are clogged in the meibomian glands allowing for a more normal flow of oils onto the tear film. Additionally, it helps to increase the action of defected glands to prevent the complete loss of gland function. The LipiFlow treatment itself is essentially painless for patients and may be completed on the same day as the Dry Eyes examination. Studies have shown 79% of patients report symptomatic improvement within four weeks of treatment, allowing them to resume their daily activities with increased comfort.
The LipiFlow treatment itself is essentially painless for patients and may be completed on the same day as the Dry Eyes examination. Studies have shown 79% of patients report symptomatic improvement within four weeks of treatment, allowing them to resume their daily activities with increased comfort.
Please call Dr. Kaur, a specialist in Dry Eye disease, to schedule an evaluation to check whether your Dry Eyes would benefit from LipiFlow.